
Interoperability Outlook Subscription Service

There is a lot happening in Interoperability

New Standards. New Regulations. New Multi-stakeholder Collaboratives. New Industry Guidance.

Staying on top of the bustling interoperability ecosystem and understanding what any of it really means to your organization can be a challenge. Where should you put your resources? What do you need to act on quickly or what can be delayed?

Point-of-Care Partners can help. Our Interoperability Outlook subscription service delivers the information and analysis your organization needs to stay ahead of the curve.

Standards organizations and multi-stakeholder initiatives are making progress establishing new use cases and implementation guides while government organizations are setting rules to unlock more data. It can be overwhelming staying on top of all of this activity, understand what’s important and what it means to your organization in order to prioritize short-term versus long-term goals, accelerate product development and improve market differentiation.

Building a strong foundational knowledge of the trajectory of the market and staying on top of the rapid advancements are crucial to establishing an effective interoperability roadmap and navigating changes as they happen.

What's Included in the Subscription? 

Annual subscriptions include the following:

  • Interoperability Ecosystem Introduction
  • Quarterly Reports with updates and analysis
    • Federal activity
    • Standards highlights
    • Multi-Stakeholder Collaboratives progress
    • Key industry news
    • Analysis of what this information could mean for your organization
  • Quarterly lunch and learns
    • Expert consultants provide an overview of that quarter’s report, highlight key areas of interest and take questions
  • 3 hours of consultant time for questions and clarifications each quarter

Why Point-of-Care Partners? 

Point-of-Care Partners is uniquely positioned to keep your organization abreast of the activity in the interoperability ecosystem. We are at the forefront of much of this activity. Our consultants volunteer with both NCPDP and HL7 and chair several workgroups. In addition, we serve as:

  • Program management organization for the HL7 Da Vinci Project
  • Subject matter expert with the CARIN Alliance
  • Program support for the FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST)
  • Program support for HL7 CodeX


Complete the form for more information or to set up a demo.